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Guide pratique pour accompagner les choix capillaires des enfants avec des conseils sur les soins, les produits adaptés et la fréquence des coupes.

Your child: their hair, their choices, their education!

Students are already starting their school year. Mom or dad has probably taken their child to a hairdresser's or hairdresser's chair to get a makeover before heading to the schoolyard. Have you noticed how little we hear about children's hairstyles? Often neglected, the subject nevertheless deserves attention because it is of great importance to the main stakeholders, namely boys and girls. Here are five tips that will help establish harmonious relationships between parents and their young people and between young people and their hair.

In nineteen years of practice, I have witnessed several children's crises. Most of this anger or hurt was due to Mom or Dad forcing them to adopt a style without their consent. I have lost count of the number of times I have had to meet the expectations of the parent rather than those of the children. Hence the bouts of tears and certainly lifelong repercussions on the relationship the person has with their hair and with their hairdresser.

My clients tell me every day about the traumatic haircuts from their childhood. Like this 80-year-old lady who was given a bachelor cut during her youth and who still wears her hair very long today! Other women had to undergo very short haircuts in their childhood, often done at home, to avoid maintaining long hair. And, several men tell me they endured army-style cuts that they hated.

Tip #1: Give young people the freedom to choose their haircut. How they decide to wear or style them is not a whim. For example, growing up, girls and boys like to hide their faces behind long hair. Is it a protective measure against the outside world that we are trying to tame? Is it a feeling of embarrassment in relation to the very rapid transformations of his body and his face? Hair, for toddlers and teenagers alike, reflects their inner world, their constantly evolving personality. Let's give them the freedom to choose how they want to present themselves to us adults.

Tip #2: Ban rubber bands and plastic barrettes. They pull and break the fragile and fine hair of young people. Until puberty, opt instead for fabric elastics and avoid barrettes if possible.

Tip #3: Visit the hairdresser every two or three months, even if the child wants to keep their hair long. First, because it is important to provide good maintenance to the hair (cut the ends, refresh the cut, etc.). Then, because loyalty to a professional, to a salon, allows them to build relationships of trust. Being “played” in the head by a complete stranger can be very intimidating for children, especially when this person is holding scissors and other sharp accessories in their hands. Apart from the very close circle of parents, few strangers enter the child's bubble. Ensure that the child can develop a relationship of trust with their hairdresser in the same way as you do with the healthcare staff (dentist, pediatrician, etc.).

Tip #4: Wash children's hair at least twice a week. Shampoo twice in a row with products designed for children. The latter take into account that the pH of their scalp differs from that of adults. Use them up to 9-10 years old. Once the hair reaches three inches long, use conditioner. For the product to work as it should, first remove excess water from the lengths by gently squeezing them. Then apply the conditioner in small quantities and on the lengths only. Let's remember this: shampoo cleans the scalp and hair deeply. As a result, it opens the hair scales a little. The conditioner, on the contrary, seals them and maintains their hydration, suppleness and softness. There are several lines of all-natural and biodegradable children's shampoos and conditioners. Prioritize them for the health of your children and the planet. If possible, also opt for odor-free products, because young people have more sensitive skin and scalp than adults.

Tip #5: Avoid coloring or perming before the age of 16 at all costs. Before this age, the scalp is too sensitive and the hair is too fragile. The same goes for coloring shampoos that are supposed to wash away after the first wash. It's wrong. Very few products disappear after just one wash. However, these produce an oxidation effect resulting in denaturing the melanin of the hair. Young people therefore find themselves with unwanted regrowth and toxic products in their blood system.

In closing, let's keep in mind that children's hair is as important as our own. Let's listen to them and respect their taste, their path and their choice in this matter. Let's educate them on good hair hygiene habits to acquire. And, let's recommend natural hair which, at the end of summer, shines with golden and honeyed reflections.

Happy back to school!

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