Are there any of you whose grandmothers or grandfathers have told you about their moon story?
I still have a few customers who today still talk to me about the moon and its effects on the garden. But I hear about it less and less, the older people who talk about it leave us little by little. We must not lose this information handed down from generation to generation.
You've probably already heard about the effects of the moon on hair?
My paternal grandmother told me about it at all those haircut appointments. Now from my experience, I would like to tell you that my grandmother, Marie-Rose, was very right.
So here's what they say about the moon and these hairs, oh, but wait a little, there's not only hair in this story, it's the same for everything that grows like hair and nails.
Hair has a limited life cycle; you can expect between 20 to 30 renewal cycles during your life. Hair grows approximately 1 cm per month or ½ inch if you prefer.
Let's face it, the more new hair cycles you have, the more hair you will have over time. It will not only be the moon to take into consideration in this principle, all your lifestyle habits will be taken into consideration such as sleep, your diet, stress, water consumed, the right choice of hair products, etc. .
During the waxing and waxing moon, the growth of sap is stimulated in plants, hair, hair and nails.
So the best time for a haircut, for those who want longer hair, will be after the new moon.
Those who prefer to slow down, it will be better to cut their hair or have their hair waxed after the full moon.
The next period to prioritize for hair growth will be between February 1 and 10, 2022.
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